How does this bloggy based thing work again? Oh yes, it's psychically linked. Just think and type.
Episode 5 has arrived! About 12 years in the making! Or so it feels anyway. I feel I ought to have made it especially good because of the length of time I've been away but ultimately I decided I couldn't be bothered. So here, have some average, hastily nailed together tat! Calloo! Callay! What an absolutely perfect day!
Find said tat here: on Soundcloud.
A Journal of Improbable Things: The Podcast - Episode 5 by Rod Henderson 1
Having problems sorting my link to iTunes given that I haven't posted in so long. Til then, it'll have to be old fashioned downloads I'm afraid! Let me know if you're having trouble listening to it (in a technical manner, not with reards to content!) and I'll see if I can bung it over to you any other way.
Given that it has taken several weeks for me to get around to recording it, think of if as a journey from the past to the present. A trip through time and indeed space as I've recorded bits in several different location. Though you won't hear that as I've not made a feature of being somewhere else.
But, that aside, try and find something to enjoy in it. Let me know what you want to hear in the next episode. Oh and Cathryn, if you're reading this, just saying 'namecheck me' isn't good enough!
Send in your thoughts, your letters and emails, your cakes, your cool audio to the usual address and places!
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