Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Doctor Who Fan Drama...

A new Doctor Who fan written drama will be appearing on the podcast soon! At the suggestion of @Nelle_Macbeth, Graham Cole (yes, him off The Bill) and others I will pick up my quill and return to the world of writing. What am I talking about? I don't even own a quill...

Nevertheless, aside from writing a play with a dear friend to appear in a Kent drama festival this March, it's been suggested I carry on writing material of a Who based nature. Followers of this blog of old will have seen the start of a Torchwood piece I wrote yonks ago but never carried on, and long suffering friends of mine will know I keep starting to write stuff, but never follow through on it. Now with the podcast underway, what would be the harm in dedicating a portion of it to my new writing? Shameless? Maybe. Narcissistic? A smidge. Could it be interesting? Definitely.

So, to that end, I shall begin writing Part One of the very first story. All I will tell you is this: the title, and someone tell me if this title has been used in a VNA or a BBC book or a Telos Novella.

It shall be called 'Revolution of The Daleks'.

Thoughts please!

Saturday, 8 January 2011


Quick mention to a new blog on the scene. @theconsoleroom from Twitter has released his blog 'The Blogadier'. Enjoy!

Not sure how to make linking work on here. Tried the link button but doesn't seem to do the trick. Copy and paste til I sort it. You know the deal.

New Year, New Podcast

Yes! Brace yourselves! Episode Two is now live. Look at that! More than one episode.

See if you can spot the three words I've shoe horned into this podcast and let me know on a scale of 1 to 10 how obvious it is that I have a terrible cold and my voice is on the way out.

Topics covered:

Radio Rassilon
A Christmas Carol
The Oodcast

This podcast is predominantly spoiler free but I can't guarantee it. Besides, if you haven't seen Series 5 or the christmas special, then catch up!

Enjoy and please do get in touch!


A Journal of Improbable Things: The Podcast Episode Two by Rod Henderson