Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Doctor Who Fan Drama...

A new Doctor Who fan written drama will be appearing on the podcast soon! At the suggestion of @Nelle_Macbeth, Graham Cole (yes, him off The Bill) and others I will pick up my quill and return to the world of writing. What am I talking about? I don't even own a quill...

Nevertheless, aside from writing a play with a dear friend to appear in a Kent drama festival this March, it's been suggested I carry on writing material of a Who based nature. Followers of this blog of old will have seen the start of a Torchwood piece I wrote yonks ago but never carried on, and long suffering friends of mine will know I keep starting to write stuff, but never follow through on it. Now with the podcast underway, what would be the harm in dedicating a portion of it to my new writing? Shameless? Maybe. Narcissistic? A smidge. Could it be interesting? Definitely.

So, to that end, I shall begin writing Part One of the very first story. All I will tell you is this: the title, and someone tell me if this title has been used in a VNA or a BBC book or a Telos Novella.

It shall be called 'Revolution of The Daleks'.

Thoughts please!

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