Tuesday 19 October 2010


So, from a not knowing my way around Twitter to providing my own commentary track. It's two days later and I'm still having people tweet me, speak to me or mention of Facebook about what I put. I even had someone follow a hashtag, see my tweets and follow along even though they weren't one of my followers. This is awesome. I've spoken to folks internationally who do a similar thing and want to me to join their panel for next time. Thus I am considering a new idea.

What if I were to make a podcast attached to this blog? There's this blog and then The Journal of Improbable Things Podcast.

Wouldn't want it to be a news service, so many other podcasts do such an epic job of that. I'd want it to be commentary tracks or discussions and the like. Even had someone from Australia offer to join in and Skype their part of it in, so keen on the idea they were.

It seems I've really taken a shine to this being a fanboy thing!


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